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Get Rid Of Back Pain And Maintain A Perfect Posture By Doing Only One Exercise!

If you have bad body posture you increase the risk of back pain, tightness in the chest and bad blood circulation.

That is why you should try and correct your body posture whenever you can, and because its soothes the pain and tension in the back, neck, shoulders. Lucky for you this is easily doable with this one simple exercise.

The Shalabhasana pose in yoga or more known as the locust pose, is a very known exercise that strengthens the muscles and provides truly amazing effects. But if you suffer from chronic back pain you should consult with your doctor first before trying this exercise.

How to perform it:

Lie down facing downwards and the forehead should be touching the floor, stretch your legs and spread them at hip-width apart.

The weight of your body will be divided equally on the top of your feet. Then you should raise your upper body as high as possible, keeping the head up. Inhale and elevate the head and as you exhale lift your hands up. Keep your hands near your body with the palms facing downwards.

Next step is to raise the legs by just using your thigh muscles and concentrate the weight on the lower ribs, pelvis and abdomen. Hold for 10-60 seconds and do 5-10 reps.

By doing this exercise regularly you will significantly improve your body posture and gain strength in your legs, torso and back.