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Stretch marks are a nightmare for many people especially women. They usually appear in the abdominal wall, breasts, buttocks, upper arms, over the tight, etc.

When the collagen is weakened and the connective tissue is stretched beyond its flexibility, stretch marks are the results of this. They usually occur during pregnancy but they can also happen as a result of a sudden weight loss, weight gain, or a rapid growth. It is impossible to remove them but you can make them less visible with some home remedies and here are some of them.

Lemon juice

It is a natural remedy for stretch marks due to its acidity. It has bleaching properties and it can reduce the appearance of acne scars and stretch marks.

Cut one lemon in two and rub it to the affected area in circular motions. Leave the juice for 10 minutes to act and then wash it with some warm water.

Olive oil

It is rich in many nutrients and antioxidants and has the ability to make the stretch marks less visible.

Warm up some olive oil and massage the affected area with it. Leave it for 30 minutes.

Egg whites

They have plenty of proteins and amino acids and therefore a great remedy for stretch marks. You should beat two egg whites with a fork and apply them to the affected area. Leave them to dry out and then wash the area with some cold water. Repeat this procedure every day for two weeks and you will notice some improvements.


Aspirin is very effective for reducing the stretch marks. It contains a similar ingredient to the salicylic acid and has the ability to exfoliate the skin, to remove the acne, the scars, and to reduce the size of keloids.

Crush a few aspirins and add a few drops of water. Apply this paste to the affected area and leave it for 20 minutes before you wash it well with some warm water.

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