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How to Make Pineapple Ginger Smoothies to Help With Pain And Inflammation

If you don’t like eating whole fruits and vegetables, juicing is always an option! The best part about juicing is that besides tasting good, smoothies bring numerous benefits to your body as well.

So, how about preparing a smoothie that will help you deal with pain and inflammation? Just follow the instructions below!

How to prepare this smoothie

Needed Ingredients:

½ a Pineapple
2 ribs of celery
1 head of Romaine lettuce
A handful of cilantro
A thumb-sized piece of ginger
Now, let’s find out more about the health benefits of each ingredient included in this smoothie!


Increases and maintains bone strength
Contains pain-reducing enzymes
Boosts the immune system
Promotes eye health
According to Laura Flores, pineapples are high in manganese, essential for antioxidant defenses. Also, they are rich in thiamine and B vitamin included in energy production.


Promotes weight loss
Antibacterial agent
Improves digestion
Reduces inflammation
Protects liver health
The Journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research published a study which showed that celery contains apigenink, a molecule that can reduce certain inflammatory markers.

This molecule also encourages proper function of the immune system.

Romaine lettuce

Maintains bone and muscle strength
Aids weight loss
Strengthens the immune system
Improves cardiovascular health
Promotes a healthy digestive tract
One cup of romaine lettuce has 8 calories and 1-2 grams of carbohydrates. Even though it is low in fiber, it is rich in minerals, including potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium.

In addition, it contains vitamin C, vitamin K, and folate. Also, it is packed with beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body.

Cilantro (coriander)

Reduces cholesterol levels
Stabilizes blood pressure
Reduces skin inflammation
Improves bone health
Improves digestion
Treats diarrhea
Prevents anemia
Has anti-allergic properties
It is believed that cilantro has the ability to reduce your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and overall mortality. Moreover, it promotes healthy hair and skin, aids weight loss, and increases energy.


Reduces inflammatory markers
Increases appetite
Relieves nausea
Relieves cold and flu
Improves heart health
Improves respiratory function
It has been scientifically shown that ginger contains unique compounds and metabolites that can treat and prevent certain health problems.

The effectiveness of ginger is mostly due to its active compounds gingerols and shogaols.

As you can see, the ingredients included in this smoothie, have strong anti-inflammatory properties. This drink is great for maintaining the proper function of your system, especially during the seasons of cold and flu.

Note: Make sure to remove the skin of the pineapple. Also, chop the fruit into smaller portions so it will not clog up your juicer!

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