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What Does Your Sitting Position Reveal About Your Personality?

Some psychologists who studied human behavior and body language, claim that the way we sit can reveal a lot about our personality and intentions. When we sit down we do it unconsciously, but through our sub consciousness our instincts and intentions can be revealed. Here are the most common sitting positions and ways people place their legs while siting, which can reveal their secret intentions.

Position 1

People who sit this way are usually very easy to communicate, they are led by the idea that a problem can be solved by itself. Sometimes they can appear childish, but they are anything but dull. The typical characteristic for this position is that they are always the first to say something, and afterwards they think about what they said and the consequences of what they said.

Position 2

The people who sit this way are often referred as dreamers. They can be very creative and being in their company can never bore you. They are fun and always come up with new interesting ideas.

Position 3

Persons who sit this way are very familiar with the meaning of comfort. They won’t spend a lot of time to look perfect, but they still look like they actually do spend a lot of time doing that.  Choosing the right perfume or face cream can be difficult for them. When it comes to clothing their attitude is complex because they can get very picky about that part. People look at them like they are chaotic but that is not true, since that know where everything is and where they have put it.

Position 4

Individuals who sit this way, are irritated by people who are not punctual. They are intelligent, sensitive and prefer peace over quarrels and conflicts. When the person sits in this position with the legs connected, and relying on the entire foot, then we are dealing with an open, direct, and possibly a bit insolent individual. They are also very neat by nature.

If the person wants to lift the upper part of the foot, relaying on the heels, then this means that even if he seems to be restrained, in fact he is always ready for fight or to oppose everyone. The whole world, for these types of persons, is an unfriendly surrounding, and their home usually is some kind of shelter or a fortress with walls where they can hide from all troubles or problems. If by any chance you try to object to them they fiercely fight back as they immediately get the allusion that something is not OK with them.

Positon 5

Main characteristic for people who sit this way is that they tend to believe that everything has its own time. For instance, if they are in a marital relationship, they will not hurry to start a family, first they will gain the necessary education then get a career, and when they will be settled accordingly, and then they will create a family. They are considered to be persistent which in some cases they can cross the line and become stubborn, however they always know their aim and eagerly strive to fulfill it thus making them very ambitious who do not stop at any obstacles. Their physical appearance is very crucial for them therefore they will do everything what is in their power to maintain it in prefect order. Yet, they have a tiny insecurity somewhere deep in their soul, and strongly object to any criticism no matter if it is a positive or friendly.

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